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What is Whistle Blowing?
Who can become a Whistle-blower?
How can I lodge a report?
What is considered as ‘Misconduct’?
How will the Whistle-blower be protected?
Will the identity of the Whistle-blower kept confidential?
What happens after lodging a report?
What is the level of involvement of the Whistle-blower during investigation?
What happens if I did not use the designated reporting channels for whistle blowing?
How often can I make a protected disclosure?
Is there a restriction regarding the type of information or problem I can report on?
Who will actually see my protected disclosure?
Why I should report using the Secured Postbox?
Will my protected disclosure be shown to the police?
Will the suspected individual be notified of my protected disclosure?
Can I delete or change my protected disclosure?
What happens if I intentionally make a false incident report?
Can I submit a report in Bahasa Malaysia?
How do I check the incident report status?
Will the Whistle-blower be notified of the outcome of the disclosure?

What is Whistle Blowing?

A: Whistle blowing means calling attention to wrongdoing that is occurring within an organization.

Who can become a Whistle-blower?

A: All employees of CIMA Group, third parties employed or engaged by CIMA Group, employees of third parties employed or engaged by CIMA Group and members of the public.

How can I lodge a report?

A: There are 3 (three) established channels of reporting:

  1. Online reporting system through Secured Post-box (URL: https://whistleblower.cima.com.my/secure.postbox.aspx; or

  2. Email to whistleblower@cima.com.my; or

  3. Physical letter addressed directly to the Chairperson of the Board Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) or email to arc.chairman@cima.com.my
The Protected Disclosure must, at least, consist of necessary details to commence a probe on the allegation. The Whistle-blower may use the suggested format as per the Whistle-blower Lodgement Form. Please refer to the Reporting Channels for more details.

What is considered as ‘Misconduct’?

A: Types of misconduct covered under the Whistle-blower Policy includes the following examples; - theft, pilferage, misappropriation, fraud, dishonesty etc. Please refer to the Misconducts tab for more details.

How will the Whistle-blower be protected?

A: CIMA Group assures the whistle-blower will not suffer any form of retribution, victimisation, or detriment. Disciplinary action will be taken against the wrongdoers if the whistle-blowers are exposed to revenge, victimisation or harm while whistle-blowing in good faith and not in abuse of the Policy and not made with malicious intent.

The protection is given even if the investigation later revealed the Whistle-blower is mistaken or the allegation is unproven.

Will the identity of the Whistle-blower kept confidential?

A: Yes, the identity of the Whistle-blower shall be kept confidential to the extent reasonably practicable, unless required by law or for purposes of any investigation by or against the CIMA Group. The Whistle-blower will be advised that their identities may be exposed for reasons outside the control of the CIMA Group.

Any other Employee or Members of the public assisting in the investigation shall also be protected to the same extent as the Whistle-blower.

What happens after lodging a report?

A: The ARC Chairperson will decide whether or not a Protected Disclosure should be investigated.

What is the level of involvement of the Whistle-blower during investigation?

A: The investigation shall be treated as a neutral fact-finding process. The Whistle-blower is not expected to be part of the investigation and shall not have the right to determine the appropriate corrective or remedial action. However, the Whistle-blower will have opportunities for providing inputs during the investigation.

What happens if I did not use the designated reporting channels for whistle blowing?

A: As stipulated in the CIMA Group Whistle-blower Procedure, all whistle-blowers MUST use the designated reporting channels to make protected disclosures. CIMA Group can not guarantee the protection of confidentiality of identity if disclosures were made outside the designated channels.

How often can I make a protected disclosure?

A: Whistle-blowers can make a protected disclosure as often as they like. There is no limitation on how often or when you can use the reporting channels. The online submission system is available 24/7 via the internet at https://whistleblower.cima.com.my/.

Is there a restriction regarding the type of information or problem I can report on?

A: CIMA Group provides a list of misconduct types that it recommends Whistle-blowers to report on. However, if Whistle-blowers feel that none of the available incidents reflect the actual incident, they want to submit a report on, they have the option of typing in their own incident type.

Who will actually see my protected disclosure?

A: CIMA Group Whistle-blower Committee is consists of members of Board Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) are the designated recipients of the protected disclosures made via Secured Postbox and email.

Why I should report using the Secured Postbox?

A: Secured Postbox gives all employees and external stakeholders a secure mechanism for reporting compliance violations. Given the sensitive nature of protected disclosure, the following secure protocols are established;

  • Access rights to the system are restricted to the Whistle-blower Committee
  • Whistle-blower submissions and entire network traffic are unobservable even to CIMA Group Information Communication Technology (ICT) Department.
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link. It allows sensitive and confidential information to be transmitted securely.

Will my protected disclosure be shown to the police?

A: The protected disclosure is not automatically sent to enforcement authority. Only if the Whistle-Blower Committee feels enforcement authority should receive a copy, or if the law requires it, the protected disclosure will be submitted to the appropriate enforcement authority. (Refer to Whistle-blower Policy – Clause 5.0 – Referral to Authorities).

Will the suspected individual be notified of my protected disclosure?

A: No, the suspected individuals will not be alerted when a protected disclosure is made.

Can I delete or change my protected disclosure?

A: Once the protected disclosure is submitted, Whistle-blowers do not have the ability to make any changes to the report.

Protected disclosures should be factual and not speculative nor conclusive. The intentional misreporting of information may be unlawful and subject to criminal investigation.

A: Protected disclosures should be factual and not speculative nor conclusive. The intentional misreporting of information may be unlawful and subject to criminal investigation.

Can I submit a report in Bahasa Malaysia?

A: Yes, Whistle-blowers have the option of submitting protected disclosures in Bahasa Malaysia via all 3 (three) reporting channels.

How do I check the incident report status?

A: A unique case number and password will be provided upon submitting a disclosure via Secured Postbox. Whistle Blowers can choose to check status of their disclosure at the website.

Will the Whistle-blower be notified of the outcome of the disclosure?

A: Yes, upon the completion of the investigation, the Whistle-blower will be notified on the outcome of the Protected Disclosure.

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